Gary Bauslaugh is a writer and editor who spent many years as teacher and administrator in the BC College and University system, ending with a stint from 1994 to 98 as CEO of a Provincial education agency. Bauslaugh, who has a PhD in Chemistry from McGill, has written scientific research papers as well as many articles for various publications such as The Skeptical Inquirer, The Humanist, Humanist Perspectives, University Affairs and Policy Options. In the early 2000’s he wrote a series of seventeen op ed articles for the Vancouver Sun. He was Editor of the magazine Humanist Perspectives (previously The Humanist in Canada) from 2003 to 2008.
Bauslaugh’s book on the Robert Latimer mercy-killing case (Robert Latimer, A Story of Justice and Mercy, James Lorimer and Co. Toronto) was published in 2010. His book on jury nullification, The Secret Power of Juries, was published by Lorimer in 2013. In 2014 Bauslaugh finished editing a book of 35 essays by 15 different writers: Voices of Humanism, was published by Rocketday Arts, Victoria, BC. In 2015 he completed and published two more books — A Search for Better University Education (Friesen Press, Victoria, BC), and Travels with Shakespeare (Dragonfly Design, Victoria, BC). His latest book on the right to die movement in Canada was published by Lorimer in April 2016.
Freedom of thought is best promoted by the gradual illumination of minds. ~ Charles Darwin