Current Status: |
- Free lance writer and editor
Recent Publications: |
- April 2016 (book),The Right to Die: Courageous Canadians Who Helped Overturn the Prohibition on Assisted Suicide, James Lorimer and Co., Toronto
- October 2015 (book), Travels with Shakespeare, Dragonfly Design, Victoria, BC.
- September 2015 (book), A Search for Better University Education, Experiment at Malaspina, Friesen Press, Victoria, BC.
- Autumn 2015 (magazine article), “Mercy and Canadian Law – The Prohibition of Assisted Suicide,” Humanist Perspectives
- August 2014 (book) Voices of Humanism, Rocketday Arts, Victoria, BC.
- December 14, 2013 (newspaper op-ed article), “When the Justice System leads to Injustice,” Victoria Times Colonist.
- October 2013 (book), The Secret Power of Juries, James Lorimer and Co., Toronto
- Summer 2012 (web site), “Ethics, Euthanasia and Canadian Law”, October 2010 (book), Robert Latimer, A Story of Justice and Mercy, James Lorimer and Co., Toronto.
Employment: |
- 2003-2008: Editor, Humanist Perspectives (formerly Humanist in Canada)
- 1996-1998: CEO of new Provincial Agency, Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology, Victoria, BC.
- 1994-1996: Director, Centre for Curriculum and Professional Development Victoria, BC.
- 1990-1994: Vice-President, Instruction and Planning, Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, BC, with particular responsibility for developing new degree programs.
- 1986-1990: Vice-President of Instruction, Malaspina College, Nanaimo, BC.
- 1974-1986: Dean of Instruction, Malaspina College, Nanaimo, BC.
- 1972-1974: Dean of Arts and Science, College of New Caledonia, Prince George, BC.
- 1970-1972: Chair, University Transfer Division, College of New Caledonia, Prince George, BC.
- 1969-1970: Instructor, Chemistry, College of New Caledonia, Prince George, BC.
- 1968-1969: Teaching Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Western Ontario, London, Ont.
- 1966-1968: Assistant Professor, Chenistry, Bishop’s University, Lennoxville, Quebec.
- 1964-1966: Lecturer, Chemistry, Bishop’s University, Lennoxville, Quebec.
Education: |
- 1961-1965: PhD, Organic Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
- 1957-1961: BSc, Honours Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
Earlier Publications: |
- December 2009 (web magazine), “Piling On: The Robert Latimer Case,”
- Jan/Feb 2008 (magazine article), “One Large Defeat for Science in Canada,” Skeptical Inquirer
- 2008 (chapter in book, Universities at Risk), “Intelligent Design and SSHRC: An Embarrassment for Science in Canada” (with Patrick Walden and Brian Alters), James Lorimer and Co. Ltd., Toronto
- Spring 2008 (magazine editorial and special report), “Robert Latimer and the Justice System,” Humanist Perspectives
- Summer 2007 (magazine editorial and special report), “When Trusted Sources of Information Go Wrong,” Humanist Perspectives
- Autumn 2006 (magazine article), “Robert Latimer and the Sanctity of Compassion,” Humanist Perspectives
- Summer 2006 (magazine article), “SSHRC – We have a Problem,” Humanist Perspectives
- Spring 2006 (magazine report), “My Stardust Memory” (Humanist Perspectives)
- Winter 2005/06 (magazine editorial and special report), “One Nation Under Fraud,” Humanist Perspectives – nominated for a Western Magazine Award
- Spring 2005 (magazine article), “The Trial of Evelyn Martens,” Humanist in Canada
- 2003 – 2008, Editorials in magazine Humanist Perspectives (formerly Humanist in Canada):
– Summer 2008 Pernicious Identities
– Winter 2007/08 Constructive Humanism
– Autumn 2007 Humanism and Forgiveness
– Spring 2007 The War on Science and Reason
– Winter 2006/07 Reforming Undergraduate Education
– Autumn 2006 Belief and Humanism
– Summer 2006 What Humanists Care About
– Spring 2006 Dark Deeds in Africa . . . and Elsewhere
- Autumn 2005 The Willing Suspension of Belief
– Summer 2005 Information and Personal Autonomy
– Spring 2005 Unfinished Business
– Winter 2004/05 Science and Conscience
– Autumn 2004 Reason over Passion
– Summer 2004 Popular Culture
– Spring 2004 Problems with Certainty
– Winter 2003/04 Metaphorical Language
– Autumn 2003 Ends, Means and Slippery Slopes
- December 2000 (article in periodical), “The Tyranny of Excellence,” University Affairs
- 2000 (report for Forest Renewal BC), “From Worker Learning to Transformation of an Industry”
- 1998 – 2001, Op-ed articles in the Vancouver Sun
– November 7, 2001 Bless America, but leave God out!
– September 3, 2001 BC squanders opportunities
– February 14, 2001 Perils of technology
– December 4, 2000 A delicate balance
– October 10, 2000 Brutality and cheating in sports
– September 5, 2000 Believe in God to be President
– July 1, 2000 Super-rich Allen plays a sour chord
– April 6, 2000 Whither the wetlands
– March 15, 2000 The wedding bell blues
– February 2, 2000 Keep schools open for all
– November 6, 1999 The trendy fraud infecting academe
– June 22, 1999 Practical skills of a rural life
– June 11, 1999 We missed a constitutional debate
– May 5, 1999 Reforming general education
– January 13, 1999 Ranking our schools
– December 2, 1998 A diminutive paradigm-buster
– October 31, 1998 Dr. Lauratollah: rough justice
- 1997/98 , Editorials in the Learning Quarterly:
– February 1997 Outcomes-Based Education
– May 1997 Educational Technology
– September 1997 Prior Learning Assessment
– December 1997 General Education
– March 1998 On the Usefulness of Education
– June 1998 Knowledge and Belief
- 1996 (BC government report), “The Learning Outcomes approach to Post-Secondary Education” (with Bo Hansen)
- 1992 (BC government report), “Undergraduate Education in BC: Choices for the Future”
- May 1992 (magazine article), “Choose Our Leaders by Random Selection,” Policy Options
- December 1987 (article in periodical), “Psi and the Unwilling Suspension of Belief,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- November 1986 (magazine article), “Ethics in Professional Sports,” The Humanist (USA)
- Spring 1986 (magazine article), “Authority and Moral Leadership,” Humanist in Canada
- Autumn 1984 (magazine article), “Education and Perceptions of Beauty,” Humanist in Canada
- Spring 1984 (magazine article), “Going to Disneyland,” Humanist in Canada
- 1981 (essay in book) “Science, Intuition, and ESP,” Paranormal Borderlands of Science, Prometheus Books, Buffalo NY
- Winter 1979/80 (article in periodical) “Science, Intuition and ESP” Skeptical Inquirer
- May 1976 (article in periodical), “Experimentation and the Decline of Education in North America,” Transcript (UK)
- 1971 – 1978, Series of 13 articles in The Caledonian
- 1960’s and 70’s, Scientific papers, in Nature, Canadian Journal of Chemistry, and Organic Synthesis